Create a Repository

  1. Create a repository from an existing project
  2. Create an empty repository and start a project

Create a repository from an existing project

  • Open the HelloWorld project
  • Share the project with HelloWorld > Team > Share Project ....
    Choose Git.
    Create a new repository.
    Create Repository
    Create Repository
  • Switch to Git Repository Exploring perspective to check that a new repository has been added:
    HelloWorld Repository

[Optional] Create an empty repository and start a project

  • Switch to Git Repository Exploring perspective.
  • Create a new repository with Create Repository Create a new Git Repository command.
    Create EmptyRepository

    A bare repository does not contains a Working Directory. This is useful to create a server repository.

  • Empty Repository
  • Create a new project with Working Directory > Import Project... .
    Choose Use the New Project wizard.
    Create New Project

    Choose a location into the Working Directory.

    Created Project