⏰ CSS Clockworks

⏰ CSS Clockworks

⏰ CSS Clockworks


CSS is Awesome!



Le cadre

.clock-step1 {
	display: inline-block;
	width: 1em;
	height: 1em;
	margin: .25em;

	background: white;
	border: .05em solid currentColor;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	border-radius: 50%;

		.05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset 0 0 0 .02em white,
		inset .05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset .5em .5em 1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);

La cadre - liens

Une aiguille

.clock-step2 {
	position: relative;
	display: inline-block;
	width: 1em;
	height: 1em;
	margin: .25em;

	background: white;
	border: .05em solid currentColor;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	border-radius: 50%;

		.05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset 0 0 0 .02em white,
		inset .05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset .5em .5em 1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);

/* pin */
.clock-step2::before {
	background: currentColor;
	border-bottom-left-radius: 100% 80%;
	border-bottom-right-radius: 100% 80%;
	content: '';

	width: .02em;
	height: .4em;

	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: calc(50% - .01em);

Une aiguille - liens

La rotation

.clock-step3 {
	position: relative;
	display: inline-block;
	width: 1em;
	height: 1em;
	margin: .25em;

	background: white;
	border: .05em solid currentColor;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	border-radius: 50%;

		.05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset 0 0 0 .02em white,
		inset .05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset .5em .5em 1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);

/* pin */
.clock-step3::before {
	background: currentColor;
	border-bottom-left-radius: 100% 80%;
	border-bottom-right-radius: 100% 80%;
	content: '';

	--width: .02em;
	--height: .4em;
	/* 37 minutes */
	--angle: calc(.5turn + 1turn / 60 * 37);

	width: var(--width);
	height: var(--height);

	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: calc(50% - var(--width) / 2);

	transform: rotate(var(--angle));
	transform-origin: top center;

La rotation - liens

Heure et minutes

.clock-step4 {
	position: relative;
	display: inline-block;
	width: 1em;
	height: 1em;
	margin: .25em;

	background: white;
	border: .05em solid currentColor;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	border-radius: 50%;

		.05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset 0 0 0 .02em white,
		inset .05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset .5em .5em 1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);

/* pins */
.clock-step4::before, .clock-step4::after {
	background: currentColor;
	border-bottom-left-radius: 100% 80%;
	border-bottom-right-radius: 100% 80%;
	content: '';

	width: var(--width);
	height: var(--height);

	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: calc(50% - var(--width) / 2);

	transform: rotate(var(--angle));
	transform-origin: top center;

/* hour pin */
.clock-step4::before {
	--width: .035em;
	--height: .2em;
	--angle: calc(.5turn + 1turn / 12 * var(--hour));

/* minute pin */
.clock-step4::after {
	--width: .02em;
	--height: .3em;
	--angle: calc(.5turn + 1turn / 60 * var(--minute));

Un peu de JavaScript

const currentTime = () => {
    const now = new Date();
    const h = now.getHours();
    const min = now.getMinutes();
    const sec = now.getSeconds();
    return { h, min, sec };

// Set --hour, --minute and --second
const setHourMinuteSecond = (elt) => {
    const { h, min, sec } = currentTime();
    elt.style.setProperty("--hour", "" + h);
    elt.style.setProperty("--minute", "" + min);
    elt.style.setProperty("--second", "" + sec);

setInterval(() =>
    1000); /* 1s */

La trotteuse

.clock-step5 {
	position: relative;
	display: inline-block;
	width: 1em;
	height: 1em;
	margin: .25em;

	background: white;
	border: .05em solid currentColor;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	border-radius: 50%;

		.05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset 0 0 0 .02em white,
		inset .05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset .5em .5em 1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);

/* pins */
.clock-step5 .pin {
	background: currentColor;
	border-bottom-left-radius: 100% 80%;
	border-bottom-right-radius: 100% 80%;
	content: '';

	width: var(--width);
	height: var(--height);

	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: calc(50% - var(--width) / 2);

	transform: rotate(var(--angle));
	transform-origin: top center;

	border: .001em solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
	box-shadow: 0 0 .005em rgba(0, 0, 0, .25);

.clock-step5 .pin::before,
.clock-step5 .pin::after {
	position: absolute;
	display: block;
	content: '';
	background-color: inherit;
	border-radius: 50%;

.clock-step5 .pin::before {
	width: calc(2 * var(--width));
	height: calc(2 * var(--width));
	top: calc(-1 * var(--width));
	left: calc(-.5 * var(--width));

.clock-step5 .pin::after {
	width: 100%;
	height: calc(2 * var(--width));
	top: calc(-2 * var(--width));

/* hour pin */
.clock-step5 .pin.hourhand {
	color: gray;
	--width: .035em;
	--height: .2em;
	--angle: calc(.5turn + 1turn / 12 * var(--hour));

/* minute pin */
.clock-step5 .pin.minutehand {
	color: silver;
	--width: .02em;
	--height: .3em;
	--angle: calc(.5turn + 1turn / 60 * var(--minute));

/* second pin */
.clock-step5 .pin.secondhand {
	--width: .015em;
	--height: .4em;
	--angle: calc(.5turn + 1turn / 60 * var(--second));

La trotteuse - liens

Les animations

.clock-step6 {
	position: relative;
	background: white;
	display: block;
	width: 1em;
	height: 1em;
	margin: .25em;

	border: .05em solid currentColor;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	border-radius: 50%;

		.05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset 0 0 0 .02em white,
		inset .05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset .5em .5em 1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);

/* pins */
@keyframes rotatePin {
	from {
		transform: rotate(.5turn);

	to {
		transform: rotate(1.5turn);

.clock-step6 .pin {
	background: currentColor;
	border-bottom-left-radius: 100% 80%;
	border-bottom-right-radius: 100% 80%;
	content: '';

	width: var(--width);
	height: var(--height);

	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: calc(50% - var(--width) / 2);

	transform-origin: top center;

	border: .001em solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
	box-shadow: 0 0 .005em rgba(0, 0, 0, .25);

	animation: rotatePin var(--duration) linear infinite;
	/* animation-play-state: paused; */
	--delay : calc(var(--second) + 60 * var(--minute) + 3600 * var(--hour));
	animation-delay: calc(-1s * var(--delay));

.clock-step6 .pin::before,
.clock-step6 .pin::after {
	position: absolute;
	display: block;
	content: '';
	background-color: inherit;
	border-radius: 50%;

.clock-step6 .pin::before {
	width: calc(2 * var(--width));
	height: calc(2 * var(--width));
	top: calc(-1 * var(--width));
	left: calc(-.5 * var(--width));

.clock-step6 .pin::after {
	width: 100%;
	height: calc(2 * var(--width));
	top: calc(-2 * var(--width));

/* hour pin */
.clock-step6 .pin.hourhand {
	color: gray;
	--width: .035em;
	--height: .2em;
	--duration: calc(60s * 60 * 12);

/* minute pin */
.clock-step6 .pin.minutehand {
	color: silver;
	--width: .02em;
	--height: .3em;
	--duration: calc(60s * 60);

/* second pin */
.clock-step6 .pin.secondhand {
	--width: .015em;
	--height: .4em;
	--duration: 60s;

Les animations - liens

Les marqueurs

.clock-step7 {
	position: relative;
	background: white;
	display: block;
	width: 1em;
	height: 1em;
	margin: .25em;

	border: .05em solid currentColor;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	border-radius: 50%;

		.05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset 0 0 0 .02em white,
		inset .05em .05em .1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5),
		inset .5em .5em 1em rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);

	counter-reset: tick;

/* pins */
@keyframes rotatePin {
	from {
		transform: rotate(.5turn);

	to {
		transform: rotate(1.5turn);

.clock-step7 .pin {
	background: currentColor;
	border-bottom-left-radius: 100% 80%;
	border-bottom-right-radius: 100% 80%;
	content: '';

	width: var(--width);
	height: var(--height);

	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: calc(50% - var(--width) / 2);

	transform-origin: top center;

	border: .001em solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
	box-shadow: 0 0 .005em rgba(0, 0, 0, .25);

	animation: rotatePin var(--duration) linear infinite;
	/* animation-play-state: paused; */
	--delay : calc(var(--second) + 60 * var(--minute) + 3600 * var(--hour));
	animation-delay: calc(-1s * var(--delay));

.clock-step7 .pin::before,
.clock-step7 .pin::after {
	position: absolute;
	display: block;
	content: '';
	background-color: inherit;
	border-radius: 50%;

.clock-step7 .pin::before {
	width: calc(2 * var(--width));
	height: calc(2 * var(--width));
	top: calc(-1 * var(--width));
	left: calc(-.5 * var(--width));

.clock-step7 .pin::after {
	width: 100%;
	height: calc(2 * var(--width));
	top: calc(-2 * var(--width));

/* hour pin */
.clock-step7 .pin.hourhand {
	color: gray;
	--width: .035em;
	--height: .2em;
	--duration: calc(60s * 60 * 12);

/* minute pin */
.clock-step7 .pin.minutehand {
	color: silver;
	--width: .02em;
	--height: .3em;
	--duration: calc(60s * 60);

/* second pin */
.clock-step7 .pin.secondhand {
	--width: .015em;
	--height: .4em;
	--duration: 60s;

/* Ticks */
.clock-step7 .tick {
	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: 50%;
	height: .4em;
	transform-origin: top center;
	--angle: calc(.5turn + 1turn / 12 * var(--count));
	transform: rotate(var(--angle));

	counter-increment: tick;

.clock-step7 .tick::before {
	position: absolute;
	display: block;
	font-size: 8%;
	top: calc(100% - .8em);
	transform: translateX(-40%) rotate(.5turn);
	text-align: center;

	content: counter(tick, upper-roman);

.clock-step7 .tick {
	opacity: .25;

.clock-step7 .tick:nth-child(3n) {
	opacity: .8;

Les marqueurs - liens



Ça marche partout

  • currentColor, border-radius, box-shadow, box-sizing,

  • CSS Generated content for pseudo-elements, calc,

  • CSS3 2D Transforms, CSS Animation

Ça sur les navigateurs modernes



À quoi ça sert ?

  • À rien.

Les moments 'WTF'

Pourquoi en est on là ?

  • 🕳 Incompatibilité

  • 📄 Documentation voir MDN

  • 🚫 pas de cours CSS

  • ⌛️ Pas le temps sur les projets

  • 😡 technologie mésestimée

  • 🛑 Il faut changer cela !

Comment apprendre

  • 🤹‍♂️ regardez des présentations

  • 🎓 mentoring

  • 📚 livres, par exemple CSS Secrets

  • ... les side-projects

  • Maximiser `(wow)/(wtf)`

Passé, présent et future

  • 🔮 Que sera le web demain ?

  • Lorsque tu ne sais pas où tu vas, regarde d'où tu viens.

  • 🧱 Donnez-vous du temps pour les bases: HTML, CSS, JS


  • Questions ?

  • (les retours sont bienvenus)